If you can't find your answer we're more than happy to assist you, please go to the contact us page and we'll get back as soon as possible.
What are your payment methods?
  • COD (Cash on Delivery), soon with Credit Card.
Can I cancel my order?
  • You can cancel your order. You must cancel your order before shipping. Kindly send us through direct messages, or through mail "jyord.sportswear@gmail.com"
 I received a shipping confirmation & realized I made a mistake in sizes?
  • You are able to modify changes to your order before it ships by sending us through direct messages, or through mail "jyord.sportswear@gmail.com" with your request. If the item has already been shipped, you will be able to modify your sizes once the items have been returned to us after receiving your order. Additional shipping charges will apply. 

How long does shipping take?

  • Shipping times vary but is usually between 2-5 business days.


If you can't find your question please refer to the contact us page and send us your inquiry.